How far back can Greenback acquire historical data?
Most Integrations
The scope of historical data varies from integration to integration. In most cases, Commerce can acquire multiple years of historical data. There are a few known exceptions to this listed below. If you need to go back in time to get all of your data, simply reach out to and request a CMU.
Exceptions for Sales Integrations
eBay only stores your data for 90 days. However, if your eBay transactions were settled using PayPal, Commerce can backfill summary level transactions going back three years. PayPal is limited to summary data as it lacks the specific items sold or purchased.
Amazon Seller Central
If you need Amazon Seller Central transactions older than 90 days, you need to specifically request historical statements from Amazon before Commerce can fetch those transactions.
-> Learn how to request Amazon Seller statement data older than 90 days
Etsy's integration is limited by volume, usually to under 50,000 transactions at a time. If there are large volumes of transactions required, please communicate that to your support agent when requesting a CMU.
Not on the High Street
Not on the High Street transactions prior to April 1, 2021 do not include VAT data.
Walmart Seller Marketplace
Walmart Seller is limited to the previous 180 days of transaction data.
Exception for Expense Integrations
Amazon Business
Amazon Business transactions are limited to the previous 30 months of data.,,, and
Transactions are generally limited to the previous 24 months, though some exceptions may apply.
eBay only stores your data for 90 days. However, if your eBay transactions were settled using PayPal, Commerce can backfill summary level transactions going back three years. PayPal is limited to summary data as it lacks the specific items sold or purchased.
Etsy's integration is limited by volume, usually to under 50,000 transactions at a time. If there are large volumes of transactions required, please communicate that to your support agent when requesting a CMU.
Home Depot
Home Depot transactions are limited to the previous 24 months.
Lowes transactions are limited to the previous 24 months.