How often will transactions sync to Greenback?
How often Greenback syncs data from the upstream provider to your Greenback account varies per integration.
Paid Subscribers
For paid subscribers, expense related accounts are synced once per week, and sales related accounts are synced once per day.
Each connected account on Greenback can be configured to sync data on an independent schedule. If you have specific requirements, please contact Greenback support.
Free & Trial Accounts
Greenback users that are on the free plan will see transactions synced once per month.
Manually Sync an Account
Step by Step: Sync Transactions
Greenback syncs your transactions automatically on a regular basis. You can also sync your latest transaction data to Greenback at anytime:
- Choose an account from the Dashboard.
- Click the Sync
Need historical data? Request a Catch Me Up
Do you need data prior to signing up with Greenback? Paid plans include a limited set of historical data. If you need more, request an extended Catch Me Up, starting at $49.00 for the first 500 transactions. Additional historical transactions can be fetched at a cost of $0.03 each. Historical Catch Me Ups are performed by a support engineer to ensure accuracy and completion of data.
If you require historical data please submit a Catch Me Up request by email at