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Greenback is now in the Xero App Marketplace!

Greenback is now in the Xero App Marketplace!

Xero Connected App Partner

Greenback is happy to announce that we are now a certified app and Xero partner. You can find Greenback listed in the Xero App Marketplace under Bills & Expenses, and e-Commerce. Or just look for us by name in the Search bar. We currently have a 5 star rating from our customers!

Check us out in the Xero App Marketplace

Reconcile with confidence between Greenback and Xero. Create or enhance bills, invoices, or spend/receive money transactions. Original receipts are uploaded as attachments. Assign accounts and/or items to line items that match what you bought or sold. Track categories, assign sales/purchase taxes, as well as contacts.

Want to know how to get started with Greenback + Xero?

Just sign up at and make your connections to Xero and supported marketplaces and/or vendors. Greenback auto-fetches your sales, sales-related fees, or expenses on your behalf. Once on Greenback, you can use our tools to export your data into Xero. If you don’t already have Xero, try it for free.

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